These days, lemon water in the morning is the trend. It is beneficial to your body in a variety of ways!
On an empty stomach, the best option is to drink simple lemon water. This healthy homemade water will not only flush out toxins from the blood, but the various health benefits of this drink will also improve your immunity and aid in weight management naturally.
Vitamin C-rich meals may have preventive benefits on cardiovascular health, according to research published in the National Library of Medicine. One lemon contains up to 31mg of vitamin C, which is enough to fulfill up to 51% of the body’s daily vitamin C needs. This also helps to prevent artery blockage and fat accumulation in the body, lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Many restaurants provide it on a regular basis, and some people prefer it to coffee or tea to start their day. Lemons are certainly tasty, but can add them to water make you healthier?
The evidence for lemon water’s health benefits is mostly anecdotal. Although there has been little scientific study on lemon water specifically, there has been researching on the advantages of lemon and water individually.
Here are some of the ways by which lemon water may help your body.
10 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in the Morning
It Aids With Hydration
According to the Food and Nutrition Board, women should consume at least 91 ounces of water each day, while men should consume at least 125 ounces. This includes water obtained from meals and beverages.
Although water is the ideal hydration beverage, some individuals dislike the taste of it on its own. Lemon increases the flavor of water, which may encourage you to drink more.
The cold weather may cause you to drink less water, dehydrating your body. Drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach on a regular basis will help you stay hydrated and restore your body’s nutrients.
You may add a spoonful of honey to your fast morning drink to improve the taste and health benefits. This will strengthen your health, and the presence of Vitamin C in lemon boosts immunity and resilience to seasonal illnesses, as well as naturally curing sore throats.
It Helps with Digestion
Some people use lemon water as a laxative in the morning to help them avoid constipation. When you wake up, drink warm or hot lemon water to help your digestive tract move.
The acidic lemon flavor, according to Ayurvedic medicine, serves to increase your “Agni.” A strong Agni, according to Ayurveda medicine, kick-starts the digestive system, making it easier to digest meals and preventing toxins from building up.
Aids in Liver Diseases
Lemon water strengthens the liver and encourages the formation of bile juice, which is necessary for proper digestion. Aside from that, the combination of warm water and lemon aids in system cleansing, and the presence of Pectin, a soluble fiber in lemon aids in gut health. Pectin slows the absorption of carbohydrates from the diet, which can assist to lower blood sugar levels in the body.
One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that the flavonoids present in lemon juice had protective effects against liver damage induced by alcohol consumption in rats (1). Another study conducted on human subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) found that lemon juice supplementation for 12 weeks resulted in significant reductions in liver enzymes and improvements in insulin resistance (2).
It Aids with Weight Loss
Polyphenol antioxidants present in lemons have been demonstrated in studies to considerably prevent weight gain in rats that have been overfed to create obesity.
The antioxidant chemicals also counteracted the unfavorable effects on blood glucose levels and reduced insulin resistance, two key variables in the development of type 2 diabetes in these mouse trials.
While the same outcomes in people must be confirmed, anecdotal data suggests that lemon water aids in weight reduction. It’s unclear if this is due to people just drinking more water and feeling fuller, or whether it’s due to the lemon juice itself.
Drinking a warm glass of lemon water first thing in the morning can help cleanse the body and the presence of pectin aids digestion by enhancing metabolism and intestinal health. In addition, this beverage aids in the body’s fat-burning process. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle, though, it works wonderfully.
It contains a lot of Vitamin C
Citrus fruits, such as lemons, are high in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. You’ve certainly heard that vitamin C can help some individuals avoid or shorten the length of a cold, but research is mixed. As we all know, vitamin C is good for teeth, cough and cold, sinuses, digestion, and many other common issues in people.
Maintains Blood Pressure Level and Reduces Chances of Diabetes
Vitamin C may decrease blood pressure and lessen your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
While lemons aren’t the most vitamin C-rich citrus fruit, they’re nonetheless an excellent source. One lemon contains roughly 18.6 milligrams of vitamin C, according to the United States Department of Agriculture Trusted Source. Adults should consume 65 to 90 mg of calcium each day.
Boost Your Immunity System
Early in the morning, a warm glass of lemon water might help to improve your immune system. Lemon’s vitamin C and iron content, as well as the minerals in the water, can help to increase immunity naturally.
In fact, sipping warm lemon water throughout the winter mornings can help prevent nasal congestion, sinus infections, and sore throats. It also boosts resistance to allergies and the seasonal flu this time of year.
Kidney Stone Relief
Lemons contain citric acid, which may assist to avoid kidney stones. Citrate, a component of citric acid, has the strange effect of making the urine less acidic and even breaking up tiny stones. Lemon water provides citrate as well as the necessary water to assist avoid or flushing away stones. Thus to avoid renal diseases, lemon water can be an excellent remedy.
It Enhances the Appearance of Your Skin
Lemons include vitamin C, which may aid to prevent wrinkles, dry skin from aging, and sun damage. It’s debatable how water helps skin, but one thing is guaranteed. Your skin gets dry and prone to wrinkles when it loses moisture. In a 2016 laboratory trial, hairless mice were given a citrus-based drink that helped them avoid developing wrinkles.
Besides your skin getting relieved from anti-aging effects, it also gives glowing and radiant skin.
Freshens Your Breath
Have you ever used lemon to remove the stench of garlic or any strong odor from your hands? The same folk cure may be used to treat bad breath produced by eating strong-smelling foods like garlic, onions, or fish.
Drinking a glass of lemon water after meals and first thing in the morning can help you avoid bad breath. Lemon is known to encourage saliva production, and water helps to avoid a dry mouth, which can contribute to bacterial foul breath.
How to Prepare Lemon Water
To gain the health advantages of lemon water, you must drink it on a regular basis and with more than one wedge of lemon in your mug.
Always use fresh lemons instead of fake lemons from a bottle when preparing lemon water.
Squeeze half a lemon into 8 ounces of warm or cold water to produce lemon water. Use filtered water and organic lemons to make the drink as nutritious as possible.
To make lemon water more flavorful or to give it a health boost, include the following ingredients:
- a few mint springs
- a teaspoon of raw honey or maple syrup
- a fresh ginger slice
- a smidgeon of cinnamon
- turmeric sprinkling
Slices of other fresh citrus fruits, such as limes and oranges, or cucumber slices, can also be added. Always thoroughly wash vegetables before slicing and using them.
Lemon ice cubes are a quick and easy method to add lemon to your drink. Fill ice cube pans halfway with fresh lemon juice and freeze. As needed, drop a few cubes into a glass of cold or hot water.
Start your day with a mug of warm lemon water, and keep a pitcher of water in your refrigerator flavored with sliced lemons to drink throughout the day.
Read More Cucumber Lemon Water – Perfect Detox Drink
Lemon Water’s Negative Effects
Although drinking lemon water is typically harmless, there are a few potential negative effects to be aware of.
The citric acid in lemons has the potential to destroy tooth enamel. Drink lemon water with a straw to reduce the danger, and then rinse your mouth with plain water.
Lemon water can help or hurt when it comes to heartburn. Some people may get heartburn as a result of citric acid. Others report relief from heartburn as a result of the alkaline nature of lemon juice, which reduces acidity in the digestive tract. Only by trying will you be able to determine how it affects you.
People who suffer from gastric and acidity should not have it in excess or at best try to avoid it. It is not advised by nutritionists or dietitians to have it more than once a day. More than a certain amount can cause several stomach issues in healthy persons also.
Lemon water has been shown to provide a variety of health advantages studies. Aside from that, adding lemon to your water may encourage you to drink more water throughout the day and stay hydrated. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, therefore lemon water is a win-win situation.

Indrani is a passionate health and wellness enthusiast who has dedicated her life to helping others live their best lives. With a background in sports science and nutrition, Indrani has a deep understanding of how diet and exercise impact overall health. She started her health and wellness blog to share her knowledge and inspire others to make positive changes in their lives.
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