No it’s not but don’t buy fake products.
The Garcinia Cambogia natural weight loss supplement has become so popular due to its rapid results that there are many companies who now produce and sell it under different brand names.
There are some brands that go out of the way to make sure that you get the perfect combination of ingredients and signature formula.
Others tend to save their production costs by taking out the important factors and give you a half-developed product.
These brands are usually scamming you into buying a supplement that will not work in the first place.
If you are careful, you can easily find out if someone is scamming you. The most common signs of scams are when someone puts the product on trial offer.
This is usually done to grab the attention of a person and get them into buying the trial. Most of these Garcinia Cambogia supplements are fake and you should avoid them at all costs.
Common Signs of Garcinia Cambogia Scam
- Any Garcinia Cambogia brand that does not tell you about them in detail are usually scammers. They tend to hide the sensitive details of their companies so no one gets back to them after finding out they have been scammed.
- Any brand that is not available in big stores like or other online stores is usually scammers.
- Check for the product you are about to buy on Amazon to make sure they are authentic.
- Any company giving you a free trial to test these are scammers because offering trial never saves them any profits so they list down fake supplement to give you once and then they disappear. These companies will also charge you for shipping and other costs.
- When you decide to take the trial, they add you to an automatic subscription which keeps charging your payment card every month.
- You will be sent the product every month at a higher price if you do not cancel your trial period. It is set automatically when you signup first.
- If you come across catchphrases like ‘Get free trial‘, ‘Exclusive limited time offer‘, simply don’t buy without researching
- Your personal details are collected beforehand.
- Most of the scam products follow the same pattern all over the internet when it comes to their landing page (websites). A lot of these websites are copies of existing websites someone is running behind. The idea is to erect several websites to attract as many people as possible.
- They do not list their terms and conditions on the main website. The important details are always kept away from the customer.
- Under the trial period, you will always be charged for 1 bottle and the price of one bottle will be exceedingly high.
List of Scam Garcinia Cambogia Brands
- Garcinium
- Pure Asian Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Slim Fast
- Aussie Garcinia Cambogia s
- Garcinia Cambogia XT s
- All Natural Garcinia Cambogia s
- Garcinia Blast s
- Garcinia Cambogia 360 s
- Garcinia Cambogia Elite s
- Garcinia Cambogia Max Slim
- Garcinia Cambogia Pure Select
- Garcinia Diet Max
- Garcinia Slim 500 s
- Natural Garcinia Cambogia s
- The Pure Garcinia Cambogia s
- Pure Cambogia Ultra s
- Simply Garcinia s
- Strawberry Garcinia Cambogia s
- Slim Garcinia Secret s
- Pure Garcinia Cambogia Slim System s
- Pure Garcinia Cambogia Plus s
- Pure Garcinia Cambogia Supreme s
- Absolute Garcinia s
- Garcinia Wonder s
- Advanced Garcinia Cambogia s
- Balanced Garcinia s
- Balanced Garcinia Pro s
- Beautiful Garcinia s
- Divine Garcinia s
- Garcinia Cambogia Excel s
- Garcinia Cambogia Lite
- Garcinia Cambogia Vita
- Garcinia Cambogia XS
- Garcinia Fat Burner
- Garcinia First
- Garcinia Healthy
- Garcinia Lite
- LIPO G3 Garcinia Cambogia
- TRIMinex Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Petite
- Optimal Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Plus
- Trim Garcinia
- Select Garcinia Cambogia
- Slim Garcinia
- Grand Garcinia
- Top Garcinia
- Prize Garcinia
- Optimal Garcinia
- ActiveLite Pure Garcinia Cambogia
- Authentic Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Cambogia Active
- Garcinia Cambogia Pure Weight Loss
- Premium Garcinia Cambogia Slim
- Premium Garcinia Cambogia Free Trial
- Garcinia Cambogia Tone Trial Offer
- Try Garcinia Cambogia Burn Trial Offer
- Garcinia Melt Trial Offer
- Sublime Garcinia Trial Offer
- Garcinia Cambogia Fit 1300 Trial Offer
- VitaMax Garcinia Cambogia
- Eternity Naturals Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Advanced
- Garcinia Fusion
- Garcinia Cambogia Supreme HCA
- Garcinia Makeover
- Garcinia Cambogia Gold
- Garcinia Cambogia Sensation
- Garcinia ES Extra Strength
- Lose Weight On Garcinia
- New Age Garcinia Cambogia
- Pick Garcinia
- Pinnacle Garcinia
- Pink Garcnia
- Natural Garcinia Extract Pro
- Pro Garcinia
- Garcinia GCB
- Advanced Pure Garcinia
- Garcinia Lean Xtreme
- Live active
- Keto go garcinia
- Optimum garcinia Plus
Before buying any Garcinia Cambogia supplement, make sure you do proper research. Go to different review sites and read the reviews placed by existing customers for a brand. Check if the product you are going to buy is also available on Amazon or other online stores.
is a registered dietitian with over 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition. She has a Master’s degree in Nutritional Science from Dhaka University and has worked with various clients to help them achieve their health goals through personalized diet plans. Mounota is passionate about educating people on the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle and has written extensively on the subject for various publications.
Is the one Dr. Oz promotes a scam?
Ultra Garcinia and Ultra Metaboliza. I thought I just bought a bottle of supplements for a few pounds. They’ve taken nearly £200 from my bank. Brazen stuff!
My wife took the same offer but fortunately the bank stoped the payments. They have tried 3 times for £73.