Garcinia Cambogia has over the years become a popular weight loss supplement. Its efficiency in fat loss and weight control has been proven.
However, the market is filled with many fake supplements in the name of Garcinia. It is important to be armed with the knowledge of what a genuine supplement has before making a purchase.
Avoid those that that have fillers and binders. The supplement is mainly made up of ingredients from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit.
Garcinia Cambogia is filled with many natural ingredients that suppress the appetite, prevent fat accumulation and increase the body’s metabolism.
Its rind has been used for many years to initiate a feeling of satiety; hence making one eat less. The fruit also contains hydroxy citric acid which prevents fat from accumulating in the liver.
What are the main Garcinia Cambogia Ingredients?
There are four main ingredients in Garcinia supplements which are
- Hydroxycitric acid
- Chromium
- Calcium
- Potassium
1. Hydroxycitric Acid:
This is the main ingredient that an authentic Garcinia Cambogia supplement should have. Also known as HCA, this ingredient plays a big role in improving the functioning of the nervous system.
How does it do this? Well once you are full after eating, the nervous system sends a message to the brain through an alert mechanism that you have achieved satiety.
If inadequate alerts are sent you will overeat. HCA therefore makes sure that the efficiency of the alert mechanism is enhanced.
People tend to overindulge in food when faced with emotional distress. HCA will calm you down in such situations.
Our bodies contain an enzyme known as Citrase Lyase. It is responsible for converting the excess carbohydrates in the body to fat. HCA inhibits the synthesis of this enzyme hence helping in weight control.
Make sure your supplements have at least 50% HCA.
2. Chromium:
Chromium is a key component in many weight loss diets. Its deficiency can lead to diabetes and weight gain.
The chromium in Garcinia Cambogia works hand in hand with HCA to stabilize the body’s blood sugar levels.
3. Calcium
A study published in a 2008 issue of the British Journal of Nutrition, shows that boosting calcium intake spurs weight loss in people whose diets are calcium deficient.
While you are taking GC make sure it has calcium in the ingredients list.
4. Potassium
Potassium aids in weight loss by converting food into energy, boosting metabolism and developing muscles.
Dieting postmenopausal women lose about half a pound of muscle per year if not taking potassium; those taking it would gain about one pound of muscle every three months. (Frassetto, L. American Journal of Physiology, 1996; 271:1,114-1,122)
Make sure your supplements have at least 1% Potassium but no more than 3%.
Garcinia Cambogia capsules are normally coated with vegetable cellulose. The coating aids in hastening the absorption of the other ingredients contained inside the capsules.
These four main ingredients used in the manufacture of this supplement are natural. It is perfectly safe for consumption for those on restricted diets.
All these Garcinia Cambogia ingredients work hand in hand. They help in boosting the body’s metabolism rate such that whatever you eat is metabolized faster. This means that fat burning is also at its peak. Fast metabolism is crucial for weight control.
Fake Garcinia Cambogia supplements will fail to indicate the composition of these four essential minerals on the bottle.
Next time you are at your drug store looking for Garcinia Cambogia, better look out for the mentioned 4 key ingredients. Watch out for imitation. It is possible to achieve your dream body size with this all-natural supplement.
is a registered dietitian with over 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition. She has a Master’s degree in Nutritional Science from Dhaka University and has worked with various clients to help them achieve their health goals through personalized diet plans. Mounota is passionate about educating people on the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle and has written extensively on the subject for various publications.
Lea hatfield says
Does it have cinnamon in it because I am very allergic to cinnamon.?
Mounota says
No it doesn’t have cinnamon.