You have most likely read about the benefit of drinking green tea to lose weight, but do you really know why?
Recent numerous studies already proved that green tea can increase fat burning and help you lose weight.
Here we look at an easy, healthy diet to lose weight that many people have found real weight loss success with.
Is using green tea to lose weight a healthy way to lose weight?
Let’s count the benefits! As you can see, the benefits clearly outweigh any objections to this simple diet plan:
- Green tea is 100% calorie-free
- It’s a 100% all-natural herbal weight loss plan
- It contains powerful antioxidant properties
- Readily available everywhere, and easy to take with you
And those are just the simple benefits, there is far more to this herbal tea than we realize. Let’s look even closer at this herb, as it is used for weight loss and dieting.
This Tea Simply Raises Your Metabolic Rate, So You Shed Extra lbs
Studies report that drinking about 4 servings or more of Green tea helps to enhance your metabolic rate. For dieters, this is great news!
It seems that there is a certain molecule found in green tea known as a cachechin, as well as various polyphenols that can speed up how many calories you’re burning daily so you can create a calorie deficit necessary for fast fat loss.
This can account to up to 4% increase over the course of the day, which while it may seem small, will really add up over time.
Remember, every little bit helps when it comes to creating that calorie deficit required for fat loss. So, drink green tea to lose weight and see results, it’s a healthy way to lose weight naturally.
Next, Suppress Your Appetite
You will find that when you drink green tea to lose weight on a regular basis, your appetite will be suppressed.
This particular tea tends to have a very calming effect on your hunger, so this makes it a perfect treat to enjoy between meals, especially if you’re trying to cut out snacking.
Many people find that a cup or two of green tea generally curbs your cravings, and helps you to feel full, until your next scheduled meal. With Green tea, it is simple to maintain your weight loss plan.
Are You Getting Your Daily Supply Of Antioxidants?
Getting in enough antioxidants each day is important because an antioxidant’s job is to help you win the fight against free radicals. We all face free radicals every day, they are in our very environment, and it’s been known that free radicals can really cause a high amount of cellular damage to take place.
So, Green tea will also help you stay healthy, reducing your risk of becoming ill or suffering from many diseases.
Feeling More Energized Everyday
Soon, you will see how Green tea will provide you with a boost of energy … just when you need it most. It’s important to note that Green tea does contain moderate amounts of caffeine, and while it will not be the same amount as what’s in a cup of coffee, you may experience a caffeinated feeling nonetheless.
For those who are finding they’re always tired while consuming less food, this can help ease that problem quickly.
Whether you want to take it in extract form in a supplement or drink a few cups a day is your decision but you should make sure that you are including green tea to lose weight in your program plan.
How Much Green Tea to Drink To Lose Weight?
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you have to drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day for the best weight loss results.
Depending on brewing techniques, 1 cup of green tea has about 120 to 320 milligrams of catechins and 10 to 60 milligrams of caffeine.
Many controlled trials found that people lost about 3 pounds (1.3-1.4 kg) on average (1, 2)
What is Green Tea Extract?
Green tea extract is simply the herbal derivative of the Camellia sinensis leaves.
By the strictest definition, all teas (green, yellow, black, white), and their by-product, green tea extract, are rendered from a singular evergreen perennial plant species: Camellia sinensis, aka, “green tea plants“.
So the short answer to “What is green tea extract?” can be as simple as Green tea extract is a cup of tea.
There are two principal varieties of Camellia sinensis: Sinensis and Assamica. Leaf size is the distinguishing feature. Sinensis has the smaller leaves of the two.
Many pharmaceuticals in use today began life as a plant or get their active ingredients from plants. Consuming green tea extract is a down-to-earth activity that follows this same wisdom.
Best Green Tea Extracts
NOW Foods Green Tea Extract EGCg
In 200 mg EGCg contains 4 mg of Caffeine, 98% Total Polyphenols, 80% Total Catechins, and 50% EGCg (Epigallocatechin Gallate)
Check Price and Availability Here
Zenwise Labs Green Tea Extract Supplement with EGCG
Each capsule contains 60 mg of Vitamin C, 725 mg Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis). Other ingredients include; Vegetable Cellulose (Capsule), Mycrocrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate and Silicon Dioxide.
Check Price and Availability Here
Zhou Nutrition Green Tea Extract Supplement with EGCG
Each capsule contains 500 mg Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis), 75% Minimum Polyphenols Catechins, and 45% EGCg Other ingredients include; Vegetable Cellulose (Capsule), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate and Silicon Dioxide.
Green Tea Ingredients
Naturally occurring compounds (polyphenols) found in green tea account for their taste, aroma and antioxidant action.
Polyphenols are the active ingredient in green tea and the source of its profound health-promoting properties.
To produce black tea, the polyphenols must be oxidized and fermented.
Oxidization and fermentation significantly diminish the polyphenol content and antioxidant potential.
Low levels of polyphenols give black tea its dark color, aroma, and taste.
To produce green tea, oxidization is arrested which halts fermentation, so green tea retains high levels of polyphenols (3).
Another way to answer “What is green tea extract?” is to say that it is the presence of unoxidized polyphenols in green tea.
They are responsible for the positive impact it has on our health, its color, taste, aroma, and its well-deserved reputation as a powerful healing herb.
List of ingredients in Green Tea
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Dietary fiber
- Caffeine
- Tannin
- Minerals
- Fluorine
- L-Theanine
Green Tea Extract Benefits
No doubt you’ve heard terms like the functional food factor, Phyto-greens, phytonutrients, nutraceuticals, phytochemicals, and phytomedicines.
Naturally occurring compounds found in plants that the plants themselves use for their own survival as hormones, enzymes, pigments, and growth regulators. “Phyto” is Greek for the plant.
Our bodies cannot make phytonutrients. But low levels of phytonutrients are directly related to poor health in plants and humans.
Without these compounds, plants would not be able to protect themselves from free radicals, parasites, bacteria, viruses, insects, and injuries.
Lucky for us, simply drinking green tea gives us direct and almost immediate access to the health benefits of green tea extract. And whether we consume its healing properties as infusions, strong infusions, soft extracts, or dry extracts, many green tea extract benefits that exist for the plant’s own survival are transferred to us.
Consequently, green tea extracts are a valuable and natural source of antioxidants. Listed among many, many more benefits of green tea are:
- Prevents cancer and heart disease
- 1 ml of green tea extracts roughly equal to 8 to 10 cups worth of antioxidant-rich green tea.
- Restricts the increase of blood cholesterol
- Controls high blood pressure
- Lowers inflammation
- Suppresses aging
- Refreshes the body
- Fights viruses
- Promotes weight loss
Read: Garcinia Cambogia Vs. Green Tea Extract
Green Tea Extract Side Effects?
In a perfect world, we would only experience the scientific fact of the countless health benefits of green tea extract – like its disease-fighting powers.
And we’d regularly experience the boost of energy green tea can deliver in as little as five minutes.
Our world is not so perfect.
We must also consider the true fact that there is caffeine in green tea, known to cause nervous irritability and insomnia.
While it may cause upset stomachs on occasion, a positive green tea side effect is that it can help Crhon’s disease suffers by giving relief during active periods of the disease and prolonging remission periods.
Health professionals who see no problem with the normal effects of caffeine would almost certainly tell pregnant or nursing mothers to give up caffeine altogether during this time.
No matter how good all these sounds, I am not the expert your doctor is.
Read the label! If you choose to drink the already-packaged-for-you Green tea products available in almost any supermarket or quick stop, be certain you are not adding more calories to your diet by choosing a drink that is laden with sugar or any sweetener products.
is a registered dietitian with over 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition. She has a Master’s degree in Nutritional Science from Dhaka University and has worked with various clients to help them achieve their health goals through personalized diet plans. Mounota is passionate about educating people on the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle and has written extensively on the subject for various publications.
I have never read more detailed article on green tea before. Thanks much for sharing.
I was addict of coffee due to which I suffered for health issue. But from last 5 months I have started Green Tea and now I am feeling much better and my health gets stable now.
How Many cups of green tea a day, Answer is here: 3. Here we are explaining How Many cups of green tea a day is good. If you are not on medication for high BP, anxiety, or arrhythmia, 3 cups a day is fine. How Many cups of green tea a day is a common question for everyone who likes the green tea.